Produkt zum Begriff Ebook:
Digital Communications: Pearson New International Edition uPDF eBook
For courses in Digital Communications. Exceptionally accessible, this book presents the often “difficult” concepts of digital communications in an easy-to- understand manner—without diluting the mathematical precision. Using a student-friendly approach, it develops the important techniques in the context of a unified structure (in block diagram form)—providing organization and structure to a field that has, and continues, to grow rapidly, and ensuring that students gain an awareness of the “big picture” even while delving into the details (the most up-to-date modulation, coding, and signal processing techniques that have become the basic tools of our modern era). It traces signals and key processing steps from the information source through the transmitter, channel, receiver, and ultimately to the information sink. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 54.56 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Digital Fundamentals: Pearson New International Edition PXE eBook
Pearson works closely with your university and your lecturers and we are committed to helping you learn. Why not give your study skills a boost and start preparing for your future career now? Take a look at our skills resources:
Preis: 51.35 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Brilliant Book-keeping ebook
Successful financial management starts with effective book-keeping. Whether you run a business, are self-employed, or simply want to get to grips with your personal finances, Brilliant Book-keeping will ensure your accounts are as efficient and profitable as they should be. Thisbook will show you how to keep accurate and complete financial records. You'll never fear a tax audit again! Packed with practical, step-by-step advice to guarantee your accounts will always be in great shape.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Agile Now PDF eBook
Want to work smarter, faster and more productively?Agile is an innovative way of working that will help you deliver high quality products and services cost-effectively, to embrace change and keep improving as you go. Whether you're a one-person start-up or with a multinational, Agile Now will help you get to grips with the essence of agile thinking, identify what works best, avoid common mistakes and boost your efficiency.Agile Now is a quick-start introduction with universal appeal, bringing together all the essential theory with practical advice, so you harness the power of agile and hit the ground running.Join the agile revolution. Get agile, now.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Wie viel kostet ein eBook beim Kindle eBook Reader?
Der Preis für ein eBook beim Kindle eBook Reader variiert je nach Titel und Autor. Es gibt eine große Auswahl an Büchern, die sowohl kostenpflichtig als auch kostenlos erhältlich sind. Die Preise können zwischen wenigen Cent und mehreren Euro liegen.
Wie lade ich ein gekauftes eBook von Weltbild auf meinen eBook-Reader?
Um ein gekauftes eBook von Weltbild auf deinen eBook-Reader zu laden, musst du das eBook zunächst auf deinen Computer herunterladen. Anschließend verbindest du deinen eBook-Reader über ein USB-Kabel mit dem Computer und kopierst das eBook in den entsprechenden Ordner auf dem Gerät. Sobald der Kopiervorgang abgeschlossen ist, kannst du das eBook auf deinem eBook-Reader öffnen und lesen.
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Mastering Deputy Headship -- eBook
Mastering Deputy Headship is essential reading for all aspiring and newly-appointed deputy heads. The second edition has been comprehensively revised, to provide you with a practical guide to the leadership and management skills required in this demanding role.The new edition of this bestseller includes three new chapters, and offers vital guidance on:the first few weeks in post the management of change performance management up-to-date coverage of the NPQH coping with learning, teaching and curriculum responsibilities managing a budget and handling your school finances time management skills
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Persuasive Negotiating PDF eBook
Negotiation is an essential business skill; but do you really know how to do it really well? This is your simple, straightforward and empowering guide to effective business negotiations will help you get the result you want – first time, every time.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Roadmap B2+ Student's Book & Interactive eBook with Digital Resources & App
Roadmap B2+ Student's Book & Interactive eBook with Digital Resources & App , Roadmap is an eight-level general English course for adults that is practical and communicative, and gets students talking. Each lesson has clear language objectives built on the Global Scale of English, with carefully scaffolded pathways for students to achieve them. The unique twin-track approach enables you to personalize your learners' journeys and teach the language and skills you know they need to progress. So, while every class covers the essential language and speaking skills in the fast track route, the extended route provides additional training in reading, writing and listening. Comprehensive teacher support makes Roadmap lessons easy to organize and fun to teach, however much time you have to prepare. The Student's Book comes with an Interactive eBook. Audio and video is available online and in the Pearson Practice English app, which also provides extra practice. The Student's Book covers ten units, with main input lessons and specific listening, reading and writing lessons. An English in Action lesson covers key functional language with video clips and worksheets. A Check and Reflect lesson at the end of each unit helps show learners how their confidence and mastery of the spoken language has improved. Further vocabulary and grammar development and practice are provided at the end of the book. The interactive eBook is a digital version of the Student's Book, with audio and video at the point of use, enabling students to complete activities wherever they are. , >
Preis: 33.34 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Roadmap B2 Student's Book & Interactive eBook with Digital Resources & App
Roadmap is an eight-level general English course for adults that is practical and communicative, and gets students talking. Each lesson has clear language objectives built on the Global Scale of English, with carefully scaffolded pathways for students to achieve them. The unique twin-track approach enables you to personalize your learners' journeys and teach the language and skills you know they need to progress. So, while every class covers the essential language and speaking skills in the fast track route, the extended route provides additional training in reading, writing and listening. Comprehensive teacher support makes Roadmap lessons easy to organize and fun to teach, however much time you have to prepare. The Student's Book comes with an Interactive eBook. Audio and video is available online and in the Pearson Practice English app, which also provides extra practice. The Student's Book covers ten units, with main input lessons and specific listening, reading and writing lessons. An English in Action lesson covers key functional language with video clips and worksheets. A Check and Reflect lesson at the end of each unit helps show learners how their confidence and mastery of the spoken language has improved. Further vocabulary and grammar development and practice are provided at the end of the book. The interactive eBook is a digital version of the Students Book, with audio and video at the point of use, enabling students to complete activities wherever they are. , Roadmap is an eight-level general English course for adults that is practical and communicative, and gets students talking. Each lesson has clear language objectives built on the Global Scale of English, with carefully scaffolded pathways for students to achieve them. The unique twin-track approach enables you to personalize your learners' journeys and teach the language and skills you know they need to progress. So, while every class covers the essential language and speaking skills in the fast track route, the extended route provides additional training in reading, writing and listening. Comprehensive teacher support makes Roadmap lessons easy to organize and fun to teach, however much time you have to prepare. The Student's Book comes with an Interactive eBook. Audio and video is available online and in the Pearson Practice English app, which also provides extra practice. The Student's Book covers ten units, with main input lessons and specific listening, reading and writing lessons. An English in Action lesson covers key functional language with video clips and worksheets. A Check and Reflect lesson at the end of each unit helps show learners how their confidence and mastery of the spoken language has improved. Further vocabulary and grammar development and practice are provided at the end of the book. The interactive eBook is a digital version of the Student's Book, with audio and video at the point of use, enabling students to complete activities wherever they are. , >
Preis: 33.34 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie funktioniert eBook Onleihe?
Die eBook Onleihe funktioniert ähnlich wie eine herkömmliche Bibliothek, nur dass die Ausleihe digital erfolgt. Man meldet sich bei einer teilnehmenden Bibliothek an, sucht sich ein eBook aus dem Online-Katalog aus und leiht es sich für eine bestimmte Zeit aus. Das eBook wird dann auf das Endgerät des Nutzers heruntergeladen und kann dort gelesen werden. Nach Ablauf der Leihfrist wird das eBook automatisch wieder zurückgegeben, sodass keine Mahngebühren anfallen. Man benötigt lediglich einen gültigen Bibliotheksausweis und eventuell eine spezielle App oder Software, um die eBooks zu lesen.
Wie viel Speicher Ebook?
Wie viel Speicher Ebook? E-Books benötigen in der Regel sehr wenig Speicherplatz, da sie im Vergleich zu anderen Dateiformaten wie Videos oder Musikdateien sehr komprimiert sind. Ein durchschnittliches E-Book kann zwischen 1 und 3 Megabyte groß sein, je nach Länge und enthaltenen Bildern. Daher können viele E-Books auf einem Gerät mit begrenztem Speicherplatz gespeichert werden. Es ist jedoch ratsam, den verfügbaren Speicherplatz auf Ihrem Gerät im Auge zu behalten, um sicherzustellen, dass genügend Platz für Ihre gesamte E-Book-Sammlung vorhanden ist. Wenn Sie viele E-Books herunterladen möchten, könnte es sinnvoll sein, ein Gerät mit erweiterbarem Speicher oder Cloud-Speicheroptionen zu wählen.
Ebook oder normales Buch?
Die Wahl zwischen einem Ebook und einem normalen Buch hängt von persönlichen Vorlieben ab. Ebooks bieten den Vorteil, dass man viele Bücher auf einem Gerät speichern kann und sie leicht transportierbar sind. Normale Bücher haben hingegen den Charme des physischen Mediums und ermöglichen ein haptisches Erlebnis beim Lesen.
Wie kaufe ich ein eBook?
Um ein eBook zu kaufen, musst du zuerst eine Plattform auswählen, auf der du das eBook erwerben möchtest, wie z.B. Amazon Kindle, Apple Books oder Google Play Books. Suche dann nach dem gewünschten eBook und füge es deinem Warenkorb hinzu. Anschließend musst du den Kauf abschließen, indem du deine Zahlungsinformationen eingibst. Sobald der Kauf abgeschlossen ist, kannst du das eBook auf deinem Gerät herunterladen und lesen.
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